Frequently asked questions

How many sessions will I need / do you offer?

There is no one size fits all. Some may need a one off session to gain the clarity that allows them to go and do what they need to do, others may need a series of sessions to get to the heart of things and identify the way forward. For me it’s important we keep checking in – what did you come to coaching to do, have you done it, has something changed, how will you know when the work is done?

How often should I come?

It’s useful to have enough time between sessions to do the things you’ve identified as action points but not so long that you lose momentum. As we all work at different paces and will come with different topics, there’s no set rule on frequency. We’ll agree the initial frequency if we decide to work together after an initial meeting.

Where are you based / where do you work?

I’m local to Quedgeley in Gloucestershire and happy to travel around 30-40 minutes. I’m always open to a conversation about where walk and talk coaching can take place. Working outdoors could be as straight forward as your local park. When we meet for the first time and if we agree to work together, I’ll ask you for any places you favour. After that initial meeting I will make a plan on where we’ll meet taking into account time available to you, your location and any preferences for the type of location.

I also offer telephone sessions which means we can both be wherever we like.

Is it safe working outdoors?

Before holding a coaching session outdoors I always visit on my own to do a recce. This allows me to identify any potential hazards or accessibility issues as well as risk assess. During our intake call I will also ask if you have any accessibility issues I need to be aware of.

I carry a hiking first aid kit with me as well as a personal alarm.

I review incoming weather conditions to determine if there is anything that would make a planned coaching session unsafe. We will also discuss if there’s anything outside of your comfort zone (e.g. cows in a field, spending too long in direct sunlight, dogs not on leads etc).

What makes you a coach?

I’ve completed a level 5 course to qualify as a coaching professional. The course was an apprenticeship programme delivered by The OCM which meets the European Quality Award as set out by the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC).

I’m an Associate Member of the EMCC and abide by the Global Code of Ethics.

I’m currently working toward European Individual Accreditation (EMCC Global).

I attend regular supervision to reflect on my work and attend to any blind spots I may have.

I am insured to practice as a coach.

What happens after I get in touch with you?

We’ll arrange a time to meet on Google Meet (video call) for an initial conversation. There is no charge for this. The purpose of this meeting is to explore what brings you to coaching and for us to agree (or not) if we’re a good fit for the work you want to do.

What if I’m not happy with something?

If you’re not happy, my hope is that you talk to me about it first so we can explore together where the difficulties lie and I can attend to any feedback you want to share. I do appreciate however that this may not always feel possible and as such direct you to EMCC’s complaints procedure.